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Subscribed to Success

Découvrez le potentiel des abonnements dans le cadre des programmes de fidélité. Lorsqu'ils sont combinés, ils offrent le creuset d’une stratégie inégalée pour booster l’engagement client, augmenter les revenus et maximiser la valeur vie.

Dans notre nouvel eBook, "Subscribed to Success", des experts d'Eagle Eye et de Chargebee, analysent l’efficacité des abonnements comme un vecteur d'engagement et comme moteur des stratégies de personnalisation. Vous y trouverez des cas d’usages et exemples concrets de programmes hybrides abonnement-fidélité auprès de leaders du retail. L’eBook met également analyse les leviers pour mettre à profit l'appétit croissant des consommateurs pour les abonnements dans un contexte toujours plus concurrentiel.

En résumé "Subscribed to Success" décrypte :

  • La corrélation entre abonnements et taux de fidélisation clients
  • La manière dont abonnements et programmes de fidélité fonctionnent de concert pour augmenter la valeur à vie du client
  • Le rôle des partenaires technologiques dans la mise en œuvre de stratégies d'abonnement réussies

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  • In the latest edition of Omnichannel Retail, Tim shares his invaluable, hard won experience and learning from establishing Clubcard to innovative digital and insight driven marketing that Eagle Eye deliver. He brings it bang up to date with the latest on loyalty fundamentals, personalisation, AI and machine learning. It’s not all data magic wizardry, most importantly, Tim describes the ‘non-negotiable’ of kind and humane culture for the people who work for an organisation in its sustainable success. Tim never shies from the realities of creating, building and keeping loyal customers and colleagues, it’s hard work and requires relentless focus but if you follow this priceless ‘how to’ you are increasing your odds of getting close and staying close to customers and growing your brand.
    Sheila Hooper
    Former Director of Performance Barclays Retail
  • There are very few people who have truly dedicated their entire professional lives to customer loyalty, but Tim Mason has done exactly that. His legendary expertise spans the online and offline worlds, giving him a unique perspective and expertise on the challenges and opportunities that omnichannel retail requires. In this insightful book, Tim and his co-author Sarah Jarvis make a compelling case for the power of culture, communications and connection, both online and offline, as tools that drive success, with clear and practical examples that make this book essential reading for every ambitious retailer in today's digital world. I am proud to share some of the key values of integrity and innovation that Tim and Sarah explain and exemplify - topics that once understood and explored, will become the guideposts for customer loyalty in the retail sector for many years to come.
    Paula Thomas
    Founder and CEO of Let’s Talk Loyalty
  • Tim Mason is a pioneer in the world of enterprise customer engagement – a genuine icon. And while you have to credit him for the incomparable work he has done for the brands he’s worked on over the years and how he has advanced the thinking and awareness of the critical human factors that underpin this industry, that’s not why you should read this book. Read this book because Tim provides retailers with strategies and tactics that are not only practical but are actionable right now and which (unlike so many other current books in this genre) actually help to move the needle! Tim Mason has done it again!
    Mike Giambattista
    Founder and CEO of TheCustomer
  • “The whole idea of Omnichannel has never sat right with me. Pushed by tech vendors and consultants, the concept of Omnichannel has contorted into a confusing buzzword that creates unrealistic expectations for marketing leaders. Yet, the second edition of Omnichannel Retail: How to build winning stores in a digital world gives us a fresh, and perhaps better approach to the concept. Omnichannel doesn't mean that we should abandon the principles that built great retail brands for the 100s of years before the internet came along. Indeed, we should embrace a deep understanding of who our customer is and harness technology, data, and content to define what works for each customer in the moments that matter. This revised edition could not come at a better time for retail leaders as brands have to respond to out-of-control cost of living challenges, a post-Covid-19 world, and increased digital expectations from consumers. In Omnichannel Retail, Tim Mason and Sarah Jarvis have delivered a vision for what this confounding word should represent that I can finally get behind.”
    Juan Mendoza
    CEO and Editor-in-Chief The Martech Weekly
  • This book brings back to the conscious the real value of knowing your customers and the insights to realise how powerful your customers are to the growth of your business. If you believe customers can be the spokes in your wheel of fortune, then read this book (especially the chapters on loyalty!).
    Adam Posner
    CEO, The Point of Loyalty
  • Omnichannel Retail brings to life Tim Mason’s unrivalled sense of customers the world over and how their lives are changing. It draws out his life-long retail experiences and his instinct for growth, and is a must-read for all thoughtful and sustainable retailers.
    David Potts
    Group Chief Executive of Morrisons

About the Speakers

Tim Mason

Tim Mason

CEO of Eagle Eye
Tim Mason has over 25 years’ leadership experience in the grocery and retail industries, with a strong background in strategic marketing and customer loyalty. He was the Deputy CEO of Tesco from 2010 to 2012 and has held a number of senior roles in the Tesco Group including CMO, where he was responsible for the launch of Clubcard and He is currently CEO of Eagle Eye, a SaaS technology company focused on delivering omnichannel personalization at scale for the world’s leading retailers.
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Ryan De Boer

CFO of Loyalty & Reward Co
With over 15 years of experience as a Retail Marketing Leader in the loyalty industry, she has worked with some of the world’s largest retailers and FMCG brands to help them drive profitable growth by prioritising the customer in their decision-making processes. Her expertise spans loyalty program design, CRM, personalisation, data analytics and commercialisation, and the technical implementation of initiatives that bring retailers and brands closer to their customers.