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Unlock the full potential of our cutting-edge loyalty and promotions solutions. Leave your email with us, and we'll send you the one-pager to read when you're back at your desk.

But that's not all – by sharing your email, you'll also receive a treasure trove of additional resources to empower your loyalty journey. Let's elevate your strategy together! 

Éprouvé, testé et prouvé
La meilleure plateforme de fidélité et de promotions de sa catégorie pour les principaux retailers omnicanal à l'échelle mondiale.


offres personnalisées hebdomadaires


membres fidèles


fidélisation de la clientèle

Gamified ICON 11x11

Des offres ultra-personnalisées grâce à L'IA qui récompensent les clients qui augmentent leur taux de nourriture.

Omnichannel ICON 11x11

Un SaaS omnicanal pour programmer et déployer tous les types d'offres promotionnelles existantes à grande échelle.

Power ICON 11x11

La meilleure plateforme de fidélisation pour les principaux retailers omnicanal.

Omnichannel Retail Book Cover

Win a copy of Omnichannel Retail

The 2nd edition of the groundbreaking and best-selling retail handbook, Omnichannel Retail: How to Build Winning Stores in a Digital World, is now available in the UK and for pre-order in the U.S., Canada and other markets. Written by Eagle Eye CEO Tim Mason, former Tesco executive and the originator of the first grocery loyalty program, and retail expert Sarah Jarvis, the new and completely updated edition explores the value of digital customer connection, how to harness it online and in-store using the latest tools and proven strategies from omnichannel leaders.

Critical Insights from Omnichannel Retail 2nd Edition
  • The digital imperative has increased exponentially since the original printing. With one-third of consumers reporting that they ‘often’ shop both in-store and online during the same purchase occasion, a seamless omnichannel customer experience has become mandatory to remain competitive.

  • The need to deliver a good customer experience has not changed, but the tools for doing so have. Today’s consumer increasingly expects a more personalised and relevant brand experience, and marketers must adjust strategy accordingly to remove friction in the shopping journey and increase the utility of offers and communications.

  • Intelligent retail spaces and real-time touchpoints will be imperatives moving forward. Creating retail spaces that more fully integrate mobile capabilities, deliver valuable in-store services and self-service capabilities, offer entertainment through challenges or gamification, and enable real-time, contextualised offers (‘Marketing in the Moment’), represent the future of retail.
About the Authors

Tim Mason
CEO of Eagle Eye

Tim Mason has over 25 years’ leadership experience in the grocery and retail industries, with a strong background in strategic marketing and customer loyalty. He was the Deputy CEO of Tesco from 2010 to 2012 and has held a number of senior roles in the Tesco Group including CMO, where he was responsible for the launch of Clubcard and He is currently CEO of Eagle Eye, a SaaS technology company focused on delivering omnichannel personalization at scale for the world’s leading retailers.

Sarah Jarvis
Communications and Propositions Director of Eagle Eye

With over 15 years of experience as a Retail Marketing Leader in the loyalty industry, she has worked with some of the world’s largest retailers and FMCG brands to help them drive profitable growth by prioritising the customer in their decision-making processes. Her expertise spans loyalty program design, CRM, personalisation, data analytics and commercialisation, and the technical implementation of initiatives that bring retailers and brands closer to their customers.

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À propos d'Eagle Eye

Nous mettons en œuvre la révolution du marketing personnalisé à l'échelle mondiale.

Eagle Eye est une entreprise SaaS mondiale qui est le fer de lance du marketing personnalisé grâce à la plateforme de fidélité et de promotions omnicanales la plus scalable et flexible du marché, AIR.

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